20 Amazing Examples of Animated Ads for Business

18/10/24         Author: Victor Blasco         32 min reading


Animated ads are one of our most beloved types of videos online, and there are plenty of reasons why! They are fun, beautiful to look at, and they can deliver a lot of relevant information in creative, engaging, and effective ways – IF you do them right, at least.

And the best part? Audiences can’t seem to get enough of them!

The thing is, though, that there’s a lot that goes into making animation ads that hit the right spot with viewers. So today, we are taking a peek behind the curtains into a handful of the best animated ads to see what makes them effective and hopefully get a few animation ideas from these great ads.

Let’s get to it, shall we?


What Is an Animated Ad?

Simply put, they’re short commercial cartoon videos meant to promote a company’s products or services.

This type of advertisement is frequently displayed through television or digital channels, especially through social platforms like YouTube and Facebook. There, animation ads can be showcased as in-banner or in-stream ads. In the first case, the ad consists of a banner with an embedded video, whereas the latter term refers to an ad that’s played inside an organic video post.


20 Amazing Animated Video Ads Examples to Get Inspired By

While there’s plenty to discuss surrounding the topic of cartoon advertisement, let’s start by going over a list of some great cartoon ads and see which animation ideas you can get from them!


1. Exciting Cartoon Advertisement for Amazon Coins by Yum Yum Videos

No, we didn’t just put this video here to pat our own back! 😉

It’s just that we are really proud of the work we did with this animated advertisement and genuinely feel it earns a spot on this list!

Animation is great for SaaS explainer videos because it can easily break down how a service works step by step and highlight the company’s unique proposition. And this animated ad has it all:

From animated characters and objects making the video more enticing and entertaining to watch, to a compelling voiceover guiding the viewer step by step.  It’s simple but straight to the point, and that’s why we chose it to open up our list.

The starting point for animated ads like this one is around $8,000—but, in the long run, it’s worth it, as a combination of all these elements helps increase the likelihood that the target audience will keep watching until the end and convert.


2. The Most Adorable Animated Ad for Catan by Yum Yum Videos

Our friends at Catan GmbH approached us looking for a cartoon advertisement about their world-renowned tabletop game Catan. One that introduced the basics to new audiences but did so in an equally compelling and entertaining way!

Long story short, we ended up giving the protagonists the ability to “jump inside” the game and experience its elements from a first-person perspective! That original animation idea lent all other aspects of the animation advertisement that magical, relatable, and dynamic feel that only cartoon ads can capture!

Plus, the Catanimals just look too cute, don’t you think?

case study catan

3. Cheerful  Animated Ad from Lyft

This cool advertisement animation from the popular app and vehicle service Lyft follows an “animated short” style, and we just adore the attention to the details that were put into every frame.

The animated commercial is as charming as it is compelling, as it tells the viewers the heartfelt story of June, a lovely grandma that uses Lyft’s services on her way to get a new car and… Well, we won’t spoil the rest, but it’s worth a watch!

The overall design, animation, and the way it weaves its story are just impeccable across the board. And it incorporates the brand into the story in a way that stands out just by how non-invasive it is!

Animation advertising at its best.


4. Funny  Animated Commercial Video from Slack

The popular business communication platform Slack is no stranger to great animated ads examples — or great ads in general! But “Work, simplified” continues to be one of our all-time favorites!

It’s one of those video ads examples that stand out for their “simple complexity” and economy of story, leveraging visual communication to its fullest.

The use of a continuous take/camera panning combined with elaborate backgrounds and compositions work marvelously to convey their message. There’s neither voice-over nor on-screen text, and yet you can’t watch the video and not get what it’s saying!

Best of all? The piece isn’t even long! It only asks for less than a minute of the viewers’ time, and it doesn’t overstay its welcome — just an all-around good advertisement example of animation done right.


5. Engaging Cartoon Advertisement for Able by Yum Yum Videos

This is one of our all-time favorite animated ads we’ve worked on and I hope it can give you some cool animation ideas for your pieces.

With this explainer video, we focused on leveraging the power of motion graphic videos, using energetic transitions and meaningful visuals to convey not only the information our client needed to be covered but to do so in an attention-grabbing that kept viewers engaged.

The complex yet easy-to-read graphics help compliment the point the narrator is carrying across, and the company’s message is delivered in a way that reinforces the key takeaways even during a cursory look. Moreover, the script was developed in much the same manner, using alliteration to make the peace even more memorable!


6. Creative Cartoon Advertisement from Summa Health

There are so many cool advertisement ideas in this piece from Summa Health that it can be difficult to focus on just a few to mention here. The creative imagery (of both visuals and the script), the dynamic perspective and camera work, the implementations of striking 3D-like 2D elements… the list goes on with this piece of healthcare video production.

As you watch it, start by paying attention to three elements that make this an animated advertisement worth watching: The on-point, easy-to-read character design; the scenery built with a minimalistic approach; and above all, how each scene ties to the next via well-thought-out, unique transitions…

Then – and beyond all those fantastic technical aspects – we want you also to take special notice of how this cartoon ad manages to convey a sense of positivity and optimism all the way through!

Definitely a worthy addition to our list of the best commercial cartoon ads.


7. Relatable Animated Advertisement From Accelerant

Did you know that men are more likely to have insurance than women? You may have not, but Accelerant surely did. That’s why they opted for a male voiceover over a female one for this explainer animated ad.

Successful cartoon ads cater to the audience, which is why we decided to add this piece to the list. Besides adopting the voice actor to cater to their potential customers, this video makes sure to tackle pain points specific to their buyers, like the quality of the account management or the support community available.

It teaches you that the secret to creating an effective is—no secret, after all. Simply understanding who your viewers are and where their worries lie will allow you to create videos that resonate with them.


6. Creative Cartoon Advertisement from Summa Health

There are so many cool advertisement ideas in this piece from Summa Health that it can be difficult to focus on just a few to mention here. The creative imagery (of both visuals and the script), the dynamic perspective and camera work, the implementations of striking 3D-like 2D elements… the list goes on with this piece of healthcare video production.

As you watch it, start by paying attention to three elements that make this an animated advertisement worth watching: The on-point, easy-to-read character design; the scenery built with a minimalistic approach; and above all, how each scene ties to the next via well-thought-out, unique transitions…

Then – and beyond all those fantastic technical aspects – we want you also to take special notice of how this cartoon ad manages to convey a sense of positivity and optimism all the way through!

Definitely a worthy addition to our list of the best commercial cartoon ads.


9. Iconic Animation Advertisement from Nike

Years ago, Nike redesigned some of its most iconic sneaker models and announced this big step – pun definitively intended – with an animated commercial video. They created this aesthetically pleasing piece that goes hand in hand with the brand’s urban style.

The best part of this animation advertising example is how well it honors previous sneaker designs. Pay attention every time a new model comes into the frame – do you notice how the visuals and music change depending on the style of the featured sneaker? Cool, isn’t it?


10. Inspirational Animated Ads Examples from MailChimp

This video ad example caught our attention with its beautiful visuals, but there’s more to it than just a pretty aesthetic. It’s an ode to entrepreneurs – the niche MailChimp specializes in.

What’s interesting about this animation idea is that the script focuses more on viewers than on the brand itself. Far from giving a sales pitch or even mentioning what its service is about, MailChimp puts on its customers’ shoes and sends an inspirational message to them. With these types of cartoon ads, an audience can become closer to a company and its values, hopefully bringing about customer trust and loyalty.


11. BoldAnimated Commercial Video from Adzerk

Sometimes, the only way to stand out from other video ads examples is by being bold and brave, especially when you’re trying to promote an intangible product and break into a crowded niche at the same time.

But Adzerk knew they had something that set them apart from the competition, so they created this cartoon ad that features an engaging visual narrative focused on their product’s unique strengths. What’s more, the animated style makes it easier for the audience to visualize the role the offering can play into their lives and how it measures up to other solutions.


12. Smart Animated Commercial from Sydney Water

Most people would think there’s not much room for creativity when it comes to nonprofit video production, especially one about using the toilet’s “half flush” to save water. But here’s where animated ads examples prove them wrong!

This piece from Sydney Water is just delightful to watch. From the catchy poem about the importance of water to the stunning animation style, everything about this video catches the viewer’s eye and makes it an effective commercial.


13. Effective Animation Advertising from Semrush

Animation have to be as short as possible to be effective, we all know that. But how can you make something entertaining and detailed that your audience will love in just 23 seconds? Well, just take a look at how Semrush has succeeded!

Animated video ads like this one are character-based, meaning that they feature an animated character as the hero or the protagonist of the story. In this case, with a product called “Keyword Magic,” it’s a no-brainer that this character had to be a wizard.

The best part of this piece is that it not only showcases how the app itself works but also makes it look like the wizard is controlling it! This goes to show how cartoons and educational video production can make demonstrating the inner workings of an app or website a lot more fun.


14. Inspiring Animation Ideas by Headspace

Sometimes, the best animated ads are also the simplest. Granted, this one might be a bit longer than the others on this list, but I wanted to include it for several reasons.

It’s very straightforward in explaining how Headspace works, and also makes it clear from the start what value it offers to customers. Moreover, this animated commercial ends with an effective call to action to encourage viewers to download the app.


15. Mesmerizing Animated Commercial from Ava

This piece from Ava is full of animation ideas to inspire your own commercial. As with any other ad, it explains the solution’s benefits, but it does so by showing all the possible situations in which it might come in handy. 

On top of that, it combines minimalistic yet visually-appealing illustrations with a vintage-looking color palette and uplifting music. The result is a mesmerizing video that’s just delightful to watch! Something only the top animation studios in NYC would be able to achieve.


16. Mouth-Watering Animation Advertising from Swiggy

We’re approaching the end of this list of wonderful animated commercials with this action-packed piece from Swiggy. In just 30 seconds, the company manages to present its service as the hero that comes in to save the day (quite literally!) while conveying its main strengths.

Moreover, the eye-catching text serves to reinforce said advantages in the viewer’s mind, while the clear and strong CTA lets them know where they can find the app. Quite a full package in this animated video ad, don’t you think?

To round off this list of wonderful animated commercials, we have this action-packed piece from Swiggy. In just 30 seconds, the company manages to present its service as the hero that comes in to save the day (quite literally!) while conveying its main strengths.

Moreover, the eye-catching text serves to reinforce said advantages in the viewer’s mind, while the clear and strong CTA lets them know where they can find the app. Quite a full package in this animated video ad, don’t you think?


17. Well-Targeted Animation Advertising from Airbnb

This video comes from an effective Airbnb campaign to target travelers who may still prefer traditional hosting options, like hotels.

The creative visuals come from using a clay-motion-like animation, an attractive style that allows you to produce pieces filled with creativity and personality. 

The secret to the effectiveness of this piece, though, lies in the fact that it’s short and concise. You don’t need a five-minute video to showcase your service’s benefits. Instead, do it the Airbnb way, creating a series of different videos, each showing they can solve a necessity from a different type of audience.


18. Memorable Animation Advertising from Redbull

When we’re talking about animated ads, Red Bull cannot not make the list. After all, it’s harder to find someone who doesn’t know their catchphrase, “Red Bull gives you wiiings,”  than someone who does.

Red Bull teaches us a fundamental lesson in brand marketing: maintaining a consistent style. They were pioneers in using cartoons to create funny content viewers are thrilled to see and leveraged this the most while maintaining a consistent style over the years.

And years has it been! Did you know that their first cartoon ad came out in 1992? They’ve been so iconic that it’s hard to remember a time when they weren’t there. That’s some good cartoon marketing!

19. Striking Animation Advertising From Krave Beauty

Nowadays, brands need to do more than sell products: they need to showcase their mission, showcase a lifestyle, or share an objective. For example, Krave Beauty aims to slow down the beauty industry, which has been marked by a rhythm of constant innovation these past few years. 

And they chose animated ads to share this promise.

Besides promising to slow down, Krave Beauty embodies it with their video that showcases a cute bunny that simply forces you to stop and see. The calm voiceover filled with rhymes, accompanied by the brand’s calm color palette, is enough to relax you at a glance. Plus, the way they explain how the beauty industry works with honesty simply compels you to listen.

Besides being a great ad, this video shows us how to stand out in a very competitive industry and leave a lasting impression on your viewers.


20. Empathetic Animates Ads for Vistage

Starting your own business can feel like climbing the Himalayas sometimes—it’s called “Climb to the Top” for a reason, after all.

Vistage aims to make this process easier, though, by creating a guided program where successful CEOs help starting businesses find their ground, and to convey it easily, we chose to take the metaphor to life.

If you’re a CEO, the last thing you want to see is an ad that brings you back to corporate life. Thanks to the metaphor, we could explain Visage’s services without showcasing a single piece of documentation: Networking became a treasure map, boring meetings, a conversation over the fireplace, and the customer’s trip to success, a beautiful mountain landscape. 

That way, we could talk about a boring topic in a way that’s more attractive to Vistage viewers!


Why Make Awesome Animated Ads?

Animation is powerful, and few people nowadays would argue that. Moreover, animation advertising can resonate with any type of audience and deliver any kind of message.

That’s the main reason why most businesses are adding commercial cartoon ads to their overall marketing strategy. You just need to find the right approach for you!

But if you are looking for a few more specifics, here are some aspects that showcase the power of cartoon advertisements:

  • Customization & Flexibility: To start with, the animation itself provides an unparalleled amount of freedom when it comes to bringing advertisement ideas to life – allowing your creativity to expand into avenues that other formats would make either cost-prohibitive or outright impossible to delve into. Flying dragons? Child’s play. Set fire underwater? Sure! Time travel? Let’s just hit 88 miles per hour, and we are there. Something we think our list of good advertisement examples, as well as the ones in our company’s portfolio, showcase marvelously!
  • Conversion Rates: Animated ads have proven to be extremely effective in terms of generating leads and conversions. A well-placed ad integrated into your overall marketing strategy can facilitate critical transition points in your funnel and make it much more likely for people to commit to a purchase decision.
  • Pricing: As with the rest of your marketing efforts, what you can and can’t do is dictated by your budget. Reaching professional-level quality standards is much more cost-effective through animation, as a similar video done with live-action footage can easily cost three times as much! Check out some video marketing agencies you can take into consideration 😉
  • Appeal: Well-made animated advertisments are quick to grab viewers’ attention – which can be a game-changer when you focus your efforts on social platforms and similar fast-paced online distribution mediums.

And that’s just to name a few! 


How to Build the Best Animated Commercial Videos?

So yeah, working with animation advertising itself will open a lot of doors to convey your message exactly the way you want to. Doubly so for those times when you need to incorporate visual aids – like charts or diagrams – or need to convey abstract concepts, made much easier to understand via animation.

While you could write several books about all the elements that come into play in imagining awesome animation ideas and making great ads using animation, here are five we consider vital:

  • Quality: Whether consciously or unconsciously, people online judge the reliability of your products or services by the quality of your content. Making sure that your video makes the right impression through highly polished animation is crucial.
  • Targeting: Generic ads are quickly forgotten. Effective pieces are built with a clear target audience in mind. That way, you can tailor its elements to resonate with the specific crowd it’s trying to appeal to.
  • Branding: Effective cartoon advertisements use intelligent branding techniques – like color selection and logo placement – to reinforce their message and subtly but effectively promote the company’s image (take a look at these corporate videos to understand branding in videos!).
  • Rhythm: Animated ads that work usually have flawless pacing, a rhythm that times the action and story just the right way to keep audiences entertained and engaged throughout.
  • Message: Even if all other elements are on point, ads that lack a clear message, or fail to convey it thoroughly, usually fall flat from their intended purpose.

And if you are looking for great 2D animated advertisements like these, just get in touch!


5 More Animation Examples from Yum Yum Videos

By now, you have a pretty good idea about what makes for awesome cartoon ads and have seen how several recognized brands are leveraging the medium.

But in case you want a few more good advertisement examples from our 2D animation studio to add to your mind folder and inspire your animation ideas, here are some we particularly like from our very own portfolio. Enjoy!


1. Collaboration Squared – Animation Ad

This is one of the animated ads we are most proud of. It leans more toward the explainer video feel and composition, but it never gets too technical or loses sight of the message. All in all, it is a lovely overview of the product but presented in a friendly and interesting way.


2. Chargebee – Animation Advertising

This cool advertisement example is one of the most recent animated ads we’ve worked on, but it already earned a spot on our list. We just enjoyed working on it too much!

It’s worth noticing the fluid frame transitions, which give a dynamic air to the piece – perfect for the unique nature of a service like Chargebee’s.


3. Blume – Animated Video Ad

The rich textures and details give depth and visual appeal to the animation advertisement, providing the whole piece with an organic and natural feel that goes hand in hand with the company’s product and message – a total win-win.


4. Tentacle – Animation Advertising

The idea of this piece was to explain and present a complex tech solution in a more easy-to-follow way that still kept with the product’s intent. So, we went with the motion graphics route.

The result was a visually distinctive, simple-to-understand animated ad that we think everyone can understand and enjoy!


5. The Spur Group – Animation Advertisement

Here’s another motion graphics video we love! After an enticing introduction, this example speaks to viewers directly and conveys how they can benefit by having The Spur Group by their side.

The whole style of this piece expresses seriousness and professionalism – aspects that most B2B clients look for in a company, don’t you agree?

And remember, if you need a piece similar to these video ads examples, don’t be afraid to reach out for a quote. We’ll be glad to help you bring your ideas to life!


Some Tips for Creating Amazing Animation Advertising

As you can see from these examples, crafting good cartoon ads requires effort, dedication, and a good understanding of your target audience—but it’s not impossible! To help you feel more confident in this endeavor, here are some more tips on crafting amazing animated videos:

  • Ensure brand consistency: Amazing, trending animated ads are useless if the people who see them can’t recognize that they’re from you. Make sure to include your brand colors, logo, and fonts and use them consistently across all marketing materials.
  • Find a good soundtrack: The eyes are the window to the soul—and the ears, are the door to the heart. Music and sound effects are great tools for driving emotions, so make sure to find the right soundtrack for your ad. And use it appropriately! A heartbreaking song has no use if the animated characters are laughing.
  • Optimize for platforms: Make sure to tailor your animated ads to the specific format for each platform, be it social media, websites, or a newsletter. Consider the unique requirements of each, if not, your carefully crafted piece may end up being useless.
  • Test different formats: Try out different stop-motion, 2D, and 3D styles on various platforms to see which ones your audience responds to the most. You can also conduct A/B tests to compare them and make adjustments to your animated commercial explainer video based on user feedback.
  • Choose the right cartoon ad agency: Animation agencies will be your number one collaborator when developing an ad, so make sure to choose the right one for you! Examine their portfolio to see if their style fits your vision, look at case studies to determine their efficacy, and look at their track record in your industry!


Why Should You Choose Yum Yum Videos for Your Next Animated Ad?

Thanks to our neverending passion and dedication, our explainer video company has been working in the industry for over a decade and now we stand among the most prominent names out there. As always, our videos are the result of pure love for the medium and having a detail-driven animation process.

What makes us unique is what we also bring to the table, like our:

  • Dedicated Team of Experts: Our talented designers, producers, directors, and writers all take great care of even the smallest details in each video to provide the best animated ads.
  • Quality Checks: That talented team plus several layers of quality control are what make our videos taste different. It’s not magic; it’s hard work that ensures a quality signature.
  • Fixed Deadlines: Based on the Gantt views we provide, you’ll always know what we’re working on at any given moment.
  • No Hidden Fees: In the first exploratory call, we’ll discuss your video needs and provide a proposal and fixed pricing for it. That’s it –no hidden fees or explainer video costs down the road!

This philosophy, together with our ample experience, has allowed us to build a portfolio with nearly a thousand marketing videos and partner with small startups and Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, McKesson, FOX, Thermofisher, Walmart, Vodafone, and more.

But you don’t have to take our word for it, just see for yourself what our customers have to say about working with us:

So, if you’re looking for a partner who can take care of your animated video ads and produce that effective and awesome piece your business deserves, just drop us a line!

Let's Connect!


FAQ about Animated Advertisement

If you’re still left with some concerns after watching these cartoon advertisement examples, then you’re in luck! Now, I’m going to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about this kind of video:


1. How long should an animated commercial be?

A good rule of thumb is to make your commercial 30 seconds long or less. Believe it or not, that amount of time should be more than enough to convey your message and encourage action. Granted, it’s not easy, but it’s definitely possible.

Moreover, your ad’s length might be determined by the platform on which you wish to share it. For example, Instagram video ads can be between 3 and 120 seconds long, depending on whether you share them on Stories or in-feed. So, you should always check your distribution platform’s best practices before producing your ad.


2. Are animated ads effective?

Commercial cartoons tend to be better at grabbing attention than static ads because they’re more visually appealing and interesting to watch than lines of text. Moreover, they can convey your message in the form of a compelling narrative that’s more likely to have the desired impact on your potential customers because it can be tailored to their specific needs and interests. So, overall, we could say that yes, animated ads are definitely effective.


3. Why do animated commercials increase sales?

These commercials increase sales because, as I’ve mentioned before, they’re highly appealing and can be tailored to a specific audience. On top of that, you can transform your message into a story your audience can relate to and consume easily. And since cartoon advertisements require almost no effort on the part of the viewer to understand the information being presented, it becomes easy for them to understand and even to recall your message regardless of complex it might be.


4. How much does an animated ad cost?

Animation advertising is priced according to different factors, such as the video’s length and style, customization options, the production timeline and team’s expertise, and so on. But typically, this is what animation costs per minute depending on your approach:

  • DIY/Templates: If you have the software and the necessary skills, you can make the ad yourself and probably spend no more than $100. It’s important to note that templates offer little to no customization options, so if you’re looking for a tailored piece, this might not be the best option for you.
  • Freelancer: Another option is to hire a freelancer to take care of your video needs, in which case we’re talking about an investment of up to $3,000 per minute. It’s key to find a skilled professional who’s capable of working within your timelines to deliver a quality animated ad, although I’ll be the first to agree that that’s not always easy to find.
  • Mid-Tier Animation Studio: If you want to go one step further, you can look for small-size video companies that charge between $3,000 and $7,000 per minute. The staff is usually made up of less than five people, so they might not be able to take on large projects or work on tight deadlines, but they should be experienced and capable enough to deliver a solid custom video.
  • Professional-Level Animation Company: Made of an entire crew of producers, animators, editors, scriptwriters, and so on, these bigger studios typically charge anywhere between $8,000 and $25,000 per minute. While I know this might sound like a big investment to some, these companies are, in most cases, highly experienced in handling multiple projects of all sizes while keeping everything organized and on schedule while ensuring your cartoon advertisement is fully customized.


5. How can I make an effective advertising cartoon?

If you’re a DIY die-hard, you’ll be pleased to learn that there are several tools that can help you create an animated ad on your own.

  • Animaker’s Advertisement Maker: With this tool, you can create original animated ads in minutes with over 100 ready-to-use templates adapted to various industries. It’s drag-and-drop feature makes including elements easy, and you can add attractive effects and transitions to characters, making a final piece that’s filled with your own touch.
  • Wondershare Virbo: This cutting-edge AI-powered feature turns still photos into realistic talking videos, giving marketers new ways to add personality to their visual content. Virbo can be used to create talking videos from still images by uploading an audio file or typing in a script. Moreover, the program will automatically lip-synch the animated face with the audio.
  • Moovly: From any web browser and without needing to download it, you can easily access this online animation creator. You can make a variety of animations with Moovly, including cartoons, clipart, and straightforward infographics. It also includes pre-made templates that you can incorporate into your animation to enhance its visual appeal.
  • MotionDen: Although it’s an online video editor, MotionDen comes with a large library of animation templates that you can easily customize and import into your projects, developing attractive animations for your advertising campaigns.

Just like these top 4 options, there are several tools you can use to to develop commercials with animation. However, the problem is that customization is often impossible, leaving you with a generalized result similar to what many other brands may have.

If you want an ad that stands out, represents your brand, and helps you fulfill your sales objectives, reaching out to a professional animated video maker may be best.


6. Will animated ads make my video stand out?

Media, especially digital media, is oversaturated, so it makes sense that your immediate question is whether or not your ad will stand out. And the simple answer is yes.

Whether your target audience is a Boomer, a Millennial, or a Gen Z, the truth is most of us grew up watching cartoons. Today, animation is more than a marketing format: it’s an art that crafts visually attractive narratives that imitate reality and captivate viewers across all age groups.

Seeing characters laugh, cry, and get angry can evoke those emotions in us and build connections, which has a subsequent impact on a viewer’s memory retention. After all, content that makes us feel can catch our attention and leave a lasting impression in our memories. So, not only can animation help you capture your audience’s attention, but it will also help increase brand awareness and recall over time.

Still, there’s no secret to standing out other than knowing your audience and remaining true to your brand. By imitating blindly what others are doing, you will easily end up being overseen. And if you fail to cater your content to your customers, you may stand out, but to the wrong public, and that won’t drive the sales you want.


7. Why use animated ads?

Let’s face it, animated ads can be overly cute. However, that’s not a good argument you can go and pitch to your boss.

A more “serious” reason to choose animated ads is that they’re easier to produce. While animated ads come with their load of work, they’re considerably easier than recording a live-action from start to finish. More so if you hire a qualified video animation company—then, you can leave all the work to us 😉

To record a commercial, you’d need actors, sets, or expensive camera equipment. All of this time and effort can be saved with an animated ad, making them a more cost-effective option.

Additionally, animation allows for more creativity and flexibility than other video formats. While making an actor fly would require expensive equipment or huge fees on CFX editing, with animation, you can make your characters fly, spew fire, swim in the ocean, or simply break down your product in parts, showcasing it’s benefits, functionalities, or importance.

This can allow you to explain complex functionalities or abstract concepts easily and effectively.


8. How can I ensure my brand image is reflected in an animated commercial?

Animated ads can help improve brand awareness—but your brand needs to be easily identifiable for that to work. And while this can be simple in a live-action, where you can simply display your product with your logo in the center, in animation, brand design needs to be taken into consideration carefully.

Each element you add to your video has the potential of becoming a representative token fo your brand. Think of Google—simply by seeing the design of their tools, you can identify it easily.

So, make sure to design the brand elements beforehand. Develop clear color schemes, repeated narrative themes, and recurring characters. Give a proper thought to this, as they should remain consistent across all your videos.

Repetition will provide recognizable branding to make your videos more familiar. 


Wrapping Up!

Nowadays, commercial cartoon advertisements and animated ads are bigger than ever!

With interactions through social media occupying more of a central role in digital marketing, creating cartoon ads that grab audiences’ attention is essential to staying relevant. And if that piece is of the highest quality and is able to resonate with your viewers, the results will show it. Working with a high-quality company that provides animated video services is always a good option for this.

As we’ve seen in today’s animation examples, the variety of styles and abundance of approaches at your disposal makes the medium a powerful marketing tool. If you use it right, that is.

So, it’s time you take these cool advertisement examples and animation ideas for inspiration and begin working on your own! As you might’ve noticed, animation ads can go anywhere from product videos to brand videos and anything in between.

If you can imagine it, you can bring it to life with cartoon advertisements.

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